
Let a Mala-Daki bull steer you in the right direction

Mala-Daki Livestock is a family owned operation established in the early 1990s by Jason and Jacqueline Impey, along with their twin daughters Jennifer and Jessica. Located west of Manilla, NSW.
5th Annual Bull Sale
Thursday 1st August 2024
"Corella" 1654 Corella Road MANILLA NSW 2346
On offer will be 29 poll bulls and 13 poll heifers
In 2024 it will be a Helmsman sale to be interfaced with AuctionsPlus.

We are holding this day as an opportunity to inspect Mala-Daki, Lucky Clover and JN Cattle Co. bulls and heifers before the on property sale 1st August 2024.
Enjoy an information segment from Elders' Livestock Production Advisor Adam Turnbull about the importance of a strong vaccination program and the effect of stress on livestock from both weaning and transport.
Followed by Lachlan Jeffers from the MLA presenting on:
• What is MSA
• What impacts your MSA Index
• Bringing MSA to life
A chance to talk to industry experts:
• Elders Agronomists
• Zoetis
• Virbac
• Department of Primary Industries
4th Annual Bull Sale

Jason, Jacqui, Jess, David and Jen would like to thank all buyers and underbidders for supporting our 2023 Sale.
Congratulations to Heart and Spade Simmentals for securing the top priced heifer, Lot 34 MD Elke T69, for $6,500. The buyer of top priced heifer received the ARB Tamworth prize and the Repro360 Australia Vetoquinol sponsored prize.
The $14,000 top priced Black Simmental bull, Lot 3 MD Shock N Awe S41, was purchased by Elders Springsure and is heading to Rolleston QLD. The buyer of the top priced bull received Virbac's Multimin Evolution 500ml pack.
Thank you to the attendees who kindly contributed to the $150 raised supporting Dolly’s Dream.